Employment Status | Definition | Work |
Entitled | Someone who has lived in Jersey for 10 years | Can work anywhere and doesn't need permission to be employed |
Licensed | Someone who is an 'essential employee' | Employer needs permission to employ a 'licensed' person |
Entitled for work | Someone who has lived in Jersey for five consecutive years immediately before the date the card is issued, or is married to someone who is 'entitled', 'licensed', or 'entitled for work' | Can work anywhere and doesn't need permission to be employed |
Registered | Someone who does not qualify under the other categories | Employer needs permission to employ a 'registered' person |
For further information on qualifying to work in Jersey, please visit
Isle of Man
Employment status: Isle of Man Worker
Definition: There are nine separate ways that a person can be an 'Isle of Man worker'. An 'Isle of Man worker' is an individual:
- who was born in the Isle of Man
- who has at any time been ordinarily resident in the Isle of Man for an unbroken period of at least 5 years ending on or after 1 October 2015
- who is the spouse or civil partner of an Isle of Man worker and is entitled to remain in the Island under immigration law
- who was the spouse or civil partner of an Isle of Man worker, was living in the Isle of Man immediately before the death of the Isle of Man worker, and has lived in the Island ever since
- who was the spouse or civil partner of an Isle of Man worker, had lived in the Isle of Man for an unbroken period of at least 3 years immediately before being divorced and has lived in the Island ever since
- whose parent is (or was immediately before death) an Isle of Man worker, if at the time of the child’s birth the parent, or the parent’s spouse or civil partner, was serving in the armed forces
- whose parent was born in the Isle of Man and lived in the Isle of Man for his or her first 5 years
- whose grandparent was born in the Isle of Man and lived in the Isle of Man for his or her first 5 years
- Who:
a) was, for an unbroken period of at least a year:
(i) under 23 years old
(ii) ordinarily resident in the Island
(iii) in full-time education
(b) has lived in the Isle of Man since the end of that period, and
(c) is the child of a person who during that period was:
(i) an Isle of Man worker
(ii) an exempt person in regular full-time employment
(iii) the holder of a work permit
Employment status: Not an Isle of Man worker (requires a work permit)
Definition: Employer needs permission to employ a 'registered' person
For further information on qualifying to work in Isle of Man, please visit